Staff Profiles and Pictures

– Christine Berberich – Principal
Christine is from Brisbane and is in her second year as Principal at Kulkarriya Community School. Christine loves to share her interests in handcrafts and quilting with students and community members. She is also partial to the odd Netflix TV show.

Brittany Reekie – Joeys Teacher
Brittany joined us this year and has taken brilliantly to the school, Brittany comes from New Zealand and is the first of our two Kiwi residents. Her young Joey students are thriving in class and class numbers continue to grow.

– Tayla Marmo – Kangaroos Teacher
Tayla also Joined Kulkarriya in 2024, Tayla comes from Victoria and has the Pre-Primary and Year 1 students in the Kangaroo class. Her students love her and their attendance rates are excellent. Tayla brings teaching experience from all over Australia to the school.

– Alice Rees – Parrots Teacher
Alice joined us in Term two this year, she comes from the UK but we won’t hold that against her. Alice loves music and all sports especially rugby. Alice’s teaching abilities have been a welcome addition to the school.

– Gavin Smith – Cockatoos Teacher
Gavin returned for his second year here at Kulkarriya, Gavin is from Perth and is big Eagles fan in the footie. His favorite time is morning time. Gavin has again taken the Cockatoos class and his students are all improving immensely.

Emily Murphy – Turkeys Teacher
Emily also returned for her second year at the school, Emily is from Ireland and has adapted well to community life. Emily has a full Turkey class most days and is excellent at keeping them in check.

– Aminio Kaivuaqava- King Browns Teacher
Mini is in his first year at Kulkarriya. Mini is from Fiji and has previously taught in Wulungurra School across the river. Mini is a hard worker and does well with his King Brown students.

Israel Miles – Black Headed Pythons Teacher
Izzy took on a new role for himself this year with the High School and has performed excellently, he is our second Kiwi on the staff, he loves sports and has provided great new ideas to the school.

– Chris Quinlan Price – Business Manager
Chris is our second Irish staff member and has returned for his second year as Business Manager, Chris loves all sports and the outdoors but struggles with the Kimberley heat.

Emy, Slater and Zaffa – Emy Kennedy – Learning Support
Emy joined Kulkarriya for the 2024 year from Victoria and has brought many new ideas and projects to the school. Her husband Rick is a builder and can be seen around school and community doing great work. Emy’s sons Zaffa and Slater have also settled into the school brilliantly and made lots of new friends.

Our Local Staff:
Trichelle Laurel – AET
Trichlle has moved from office to classroom for 2024, where she has joined the Turkeys class. Trichelle has a wealth of community knowledge and has the respect of all students and staff alike. Trichelle’s daughter Jamaica is in King Browns.
Selina Qualla – AET
Selina is in the Kangaroos class this year, she does great work with the young students and is always willing to lend a hand in the kitchen or wherever needs arise.

– Michelle Laurel – AET
Michelle is in the Cockatoos class this year, Michelle will help anywhere its needed and provides great community and local culture knowledge. She has been at Kulkarriya for a few years and her son Jaydren is in High School here.
Samara Skinner – AET
Samara takes care of our Irlee Birds program for children under 4 and can also be seen helping out in class sometimes. Samara’s daughter Jade is enrolled in the school currently.
Chantelle Berringal – AET
Cheyenne McCarthy – AET
Chantelle Munday – AET
Leon ‘Bubbly’ Button – Groundsman
Austin Watson- Groundsman
Darren Button – Groundsman
Leetara Costaine – Cleaner
Martina Costaine – Homemaker Cook
Scottisha Munda – Homemaker Cook
Imogean Costaine – Homemaker Cook