Our History

Kulkarriya Community School, founded in 1978, is situated on the Noonkanbah pastoral lease which was transferred to the Yungngora Association in 1976. KCS first ran classes from the Noonkanbah shearing shed. With initial assistance from Strelley Community School, KCS started classes in 1978. It went on to establish out-station schools at Warrimbah and Millijidee in response to people moving back to country. The school’s current operations are centred on its campus in Yungngora Community, on Noonkanbah Station.

There are three main languages spoken within Yungngora Community, two traditional languages which are Walmajarri and Nyikina and a more modern language, Kriol.

A major milestone of Noonkanbah was its Native Title Determination which was ratified by the Federal Court at an on-country hearing at the woolshed on 27 April 2007. The consent determination followed a history of confrontation from the 1970s over land use in the area.

The climax of the confrontation was the well-publicised attempt by an American mining company to drill for oil at Pea Hill, a traditional sacred site for the local people. A blockade by the people of Noonkanbah at Mickey’s Pool attempted to stop the convoy of trucks and resulted in several arrests. The drilling went ahead, and no oil was found.


Be Respectful

Be Safe

Be Strong

Be Honest

Be A Learner


We want our students to learn respect and pride.

Life here has changed significantly over the generations, and whilst this has resulted in positive outcomes, it has also brought serious challenges and conflicting influences.

It is essential our students retain their Indigenous identity, and that they respect and feel proud of their Elders and traditions. This will help students feel pride and respect for themselves as well as equip them for the future.


Our students have the right to expect KCS to offer and facilitate

  • Every opportunity to identify and develop their spirituality.
  • Provide educational opportunities to develop the whole person and encourage the achievement of personal best.
  • A strong sense of community and belonging that respects their unique identity and self-worth.
  • A safe learning environment that safeguards and promotes human dignity
  • Encouragement of self-discipline and taking responsibility for actions – opportunities and support to grow as valuable, responsible, and contributing members of the community.
  • An education that empowers them to deal positively with challenges.
  • A curriculum that is consistent with their abilities and needs.
  • The right to respect and share the responsibility for the physical and natural environment of the school.
  • Responsible leadership, and development of leadership skills.

Location & Community

Noonkanbah Station is a community-owned, pastoral station. It is owned by the Noonkanbah Aboriginal Corporation (NAC). It is 170,000 hectares and located 165km south-west of Fitzroy Crossing. The school is independent, run by NAC and supported by AISWA.

The community of Yungngora consists of approximately 500 people and is located at the southern boundary of the station on the banks of the Fitzroy River. Access to the community is via the unsealed Calwynyardah-Noonkanbah Road, 75km south of the Great Northern Highway. Access is limited in the wet season.

The community has a well-equipped store with Eftpos and ATM facilities. Fuel cards for both diesel and unleaded can be purchased for use at the community bowser. The store is also an Australia Post facility, and mail is delivered by plane once a week.

A clinic operates with registered nurses in the community Monday to Friday and a doctor service is available on Tuesdays. Christian Radio is broadcast in the Community and a Health and Aged Care (HAC) kitchen provides meals to the elderly.


$180 per night (1x bed 1x bath)
Single donga rooms with bathroom, toilet and shower.
Shared kitchen and crib room facilities.

Contact us to find out more about booking accommodation.